How To Play

Tips&Tricks on how to get the most out of TrueBoxing VR

Setting up the game

When you start the game you are in the gym. There you find a large screen. From this screen, you can start all sections in the game.

Before starting to use TrueBoxing VR, it is important that you set up some basic parameters:

  • Set your height
    • It is important to set your actual height under ”How tall are you” roll down menu. This will adjust the opponents height to fit your height.
  • Set Round length (set after choosing opponent)
    • Set the round lenght, (Recommended is 2 min rounds)
  • Set difficulty level
    • Under the roll down menu ”Difficulty level” you can choose Easy, Medium or Hard” test these different levels to adjust to your skill level.
  • Adjust the position and rotation of the gloves
    • Depending on which VR headset you are using, it might neccesary to adjust the position and rotation of the gloves.

Choose Opponent

When you click the ”Fight” button you get to a new menu, where you can choose what oppoent to fight. Click on one of the thumbnails to see more information on that opponent.

Opponent stats and info

Weh you have clicked on one of the thumbnails, information about that specific opponent is displayed. In this menu you can also set the desired number of round for this fight. Click the ”Fight” button to start the fight.

Set up roomscale – Make sure you have enough space.

Even though you do not need a full size ring space to play the game, it is good to have at least a 2x2m play space. As you mark out the play area, avoid sett the boundries to close to walls . If you make them to close, there is a high risk that you might punch into a wall and hurt yourself.


Move: Besides using your feet, you can move using the Left Controller Joystick. this is very handy for example in a tight room Scale environment.

Rotate: Besides turning your own body you can rotate using the Righ Controller Joystick.

Block Punches: You can block the opponenst punches by holding upp your guard and pressing the Grab button on the left or right controller, depending on which punch from the opponent you want to block. This is especially useful if the opponent moves into infight, where it it will be difficult to move away from the opponents punches.

Displaying Hand Menu: To make the hand menu visible pres the Y button onm the left controller, and point with the right controllersd trace line to choose the action you want. Press the right hand trigger tho activate the choice.


As in real boxing you cannot take too much punches. To indicate that you are hurt your field of view wil become red as you get hit by the opponent. Eventually, if yo have been hit to many times, you will be knocked down.

Getting up from a knockdown: If you get knocked down by the opponent you will see a progressbar in the lower part of the screen. Press the A button rappidly on the right controller to increase the green bar on the progress bar. When you have filled the bar the fight will continue. If you are knockeddown 3 times in the same round you will loose by TKO.